Char Siu Opah

Chef Willy Eick from Mission Avenue Bar and Grill combines flavors from around the world, and uses hyper locally sourced ingredients to make incredible dishes. Watch him use Opah, which is part of our Underutillized Species series we are doing to promote the use of different proteins to diversify away from the species that are being over harvested.

This is Char Siu glazed Opah loin with:

  • apple butter
  • cashew
  • celery
  • kaffir lime
  • thai chili
  • radish
  • garlic flowers
  • cilantro
  • garlic oil



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Sam wells is a culinary photographer and filmmaker from San Diego, CA. He has a passion for locally produced food and handcrafted kitchen tools, and is dedicated to promoting sustainability in the food industry by encouraging chefs to diversify the products they use and to explore their local producers and the environment around them. He loves to promote restaurants that are a reflection of the time and place where they exist.
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