The Most Epic Tea Sourcing Trip

Mad Monk Tea

Taylor Drye from Mad Monk Tea has been sourcing tea in Taiwan for the better part of the last decade. He is constantly searching for producers that have farming practices that are way beyond organic and biodynamic – farmers who grow their tea in a way that is one with nature. These Oolong teas from Li-Shan are some of the most sought after teas in the world, and Taylor found a producer that was growing remarkable teas. After drinking tea with Taylor for many years, I can now tell the drastic difference terrior plays on the taste of the teas. You can drink 10 different Oolongs from the same region and they will taste drastically different. This tea is unfortunately sold out and might be available next year, but here is the story behind the sourcing trip from our series Sourced.

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Sam wells is a culinary photographer and filmmaker from San Diego, CA. He has a passion for locally produced food and handcrafted kitchen tools, and is dedicated to promoting sustainability in the food industry by encouraging chefs to diversify the products they use and to explore their local producers and the environment around them. He loves to promote restaurants that are a reflection of the time and place where they exist.
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