Potato Transformation

Jamie Simpson’s version of a potato salad without mayo uses all usual ingredients of potato, onion, paprika, celery, and mustard but transforms it with a textural roller coaster by using thin crispy slices of potatoes molded into a unique shape.

First you need to sheet a gold potato using a vegetable sheeter.

Then roll up the ribbon, square off the ends, and cut into ribbons.

Mold them through copper pipes drenched in oil and bake…

This crispy potato ribbon allows for some epic plating possibilities. Jamie used pickled mustard seeds for the mustard component along with micro mustard greens. He also used the core of the potato left from the sheeter and poached them in acidulated water. He used brunoise celery and mixed it with thickened celery juice. He also added celery leaves and onion sprouts. This dish was incredible.


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Sam wells is a culinary photographer and filmmaker from San Diego, CA. He has a passion for locally produced food and handcrafted kitchen tools, and is dedicated to promoting sustainability in the food industry by encouraging chefs to diversify the products they use and to explore their local producers and the environment around them. He loves to promote restaurants that are a reflection of the time and place where they exist.
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